Saturday 3 August 2013

What a strange day...

Wow! Yesterday was one hell of a strange day. It started out as a normal day: job searching, Star Wars blah blah. I thought that I would take a trip into town and browse the shops and bars for any jobs that might be available, just in case they are not listed online. Genius idea right?

So, after around 4/5 hours of walking around two towns, I got a call from Krispy Kreme, a friend of mine who I have become quite close to in the last few months, asking if I wanted to come out for a bit.

After I had accepted the offer, I made for the interchange. Then the weird turn came. It's not an unusual sight to see a homeless man picking up cigarette ends off the floor in Sheffield, or a drunk man talking to himself. But this was something different! This guy definitely looked homeless. He was wearing grey suit trousers, a green jumper, a black winter coat and fisherman's hat. I failed to mention shoes because he wasn't wearing any, not even socks!

This is the weird bit (I felt like I had to describe the man for you). Every time he moved, he made robot noises. Every time he bent down to pick something off of the floor, he made robot noises. To amuse himself, he would occasionally drop the collection of cigarette onto the floor, only to laugh hysterically and then make robot noises as he picked them back up. He also tried talking to me. Usually, I humour them and give them a couple of quid to buy something nice. Like special brew. I couldn't understand him. Not one word. This was because he wasn't speaking any language humans can speak. He was speaking robot. Imagine R2-D2. Got it? Now imagine R2-D2 stoned and you have this guy.

Anyway, I did the good thing and called 101. The local United match was about to start in an hour or so, and this would only lead to trouble if this guy was to talk to them. Go me!

I finally boarded the bus to meet Krispy Kreme. Halfway there, the bus was stopped and raided by police. Just my luck!
"Tickets and passes please!". Yes officer! Disaster. I could not find my ticket. I know that I paid, and I don't usually hold onto my ticket. Luckily for me, it was in my shopping bag! Phew. After 20 minutes of everybody being searched, we finally set off. The internal temperature of the bus must have increased 10 fold, and not because one of the officers was quite delicious.

I finally meet Krispy Kreme! I honestly thought this moment would not happen. After a quick catch up, we grab a taxi up to the favourite pub! A cool refreshing pint of pepsi and Krispy Kreme. What could get better? Only the news that Mistress Q is coming to pay a visit. Mistress Q is a bloke. Funny really.

The night would have gone smoothly if Krispy Kreme hadn't told us that Fidget was coming up. Now, Fidget is this guy who is stupidly annoying. So annoying, that no one likes him apart from his best friend, but we are too nice to tell him to go play on the motorway. He also looks like Fidget from Basil: The Great Mouse Detective. This is when Mistress Q and I had a brilliant idea. Why don't we pretend to be a gay couple? The excitement!

Fidget had already fallen for this once when Krispy Kreme and another friend, The Dragonborn, decided to become a lesbian couple. Surely he cannot fall for the same trick twice?

Yes. Hook, line and sinker! Mistress Q pulled off being a gay man surprisingly easy. He was making all the moves! Can't say I didn't enjoy the experience, it was nice! Then it clicked in Fidget's mind. Mistress Q had turned to the Dark Side. We played on this all night, up until the point that Fidget left the car outside his house!

And this concludes my account of the strangest day. Everything I have said here is true. I'm still trying to believe the day myself!

Until next time,


Tuesday 30 July 2013

Just for you

Em's sister wanted to be mentioned. HC this is for you, you stuck up bitch.

Microsoft has claimed another...

Hello there people!

So, this blog is something special for two reasons:

1) I have a computer desk in my room now so I am not blogging from my phone
2) Em has an Xbox (shock horror!)

In regards to my daily life, I am still job hunting. I have applied for a job at the local University to work in the library while I find a sciency job. I missed science during my time on my PGCE. I didn't really use my degree. Most of the science I taught was practically a lie. LIES! Ah well, life goes on.

Now, we must discuss Em. She is a little gem, and the best thing in my life (sickening isn't it?). Well I woke up one morning to find a couple of texts and a missed call from her. She did seem pretty eager to talk to me. This only happens when she has murdered something, or something exciting is happening (I was hoping for the former). Turns out Em had bought herself an Xbox. Of all things that Em could have told me, this was not one of them! I was, and still am, astounded.

After the initial shock had settled, and a photo was sent to me as proof of this purchase, I just had to delve into the deepest recesses of my Xbox draw and draw out some games that Em would like, and are relatively easy to play. Fable 3 was an obvious choice. The Mass Effect Trilogy was also donated, as well as Skyrim (surprise, surpise!).

I met Em at the local shopping centre, and I took her accessory shopping: headset and rechargeable batteries with charging leads. We're not onto docking stations just yet, but it's all baby steps! This was one of my proudest moments with Em. Seeing her face in front of all the different games on offer to her in Blockbusters was beautiful. It was like an 18 year old entering Disney Land for the first time ever (no comment). I felt like a proud parent! When we finally got back to Em's, it turns out she was playing Tomb Raider. I did quite like the game from what I saw while I was there. Guess I can borrow the game now! Well, Em is rubbish at killing wolves with a bow. Here comes me to save the day! Not only did I take down two wolves in two smooth moves, the sensitivity levels and brightness levels were adjusted. Lo and behold we could actually see where we were!

However, Em had no idea what her first achievement and set of gamerpoints would feel like! So when she had raided her first tomb, and got 20G for it called Clever Cookie (beautiful), she giggled, jumped up and down on the bed and was so proud of herself. I believe I may have wept a little out of laughter and pride!

Even after I had got home, made a brew and settled down to play a bit of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we were still chatting using Em's new headset. It was a beautiful day.

I do hope you will read Em's blog, she is such a fantastic person!

Well, this is it for today. I expect to blog more often now I have a computer desk set up!

So long, for now.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Bitches Be Crazy..

Good evening people!

So, freedom has begun. No more worries about university or teaching. It is finally over!  *hooray*

I have filled the last week with copious amounts of tea, xbox and seeing friends. Job hunting is also up there on the list of activities. Universities and Technology Parks. Dream job? Sounds nice!

However, today is also a day of being proud of Em. We are, as one, conquering her fear of "scary" films. "Bitches be crazy!" I hear you yell. We are. The Possession is tonight's Mansion Movie. A film about the paranormal and demons. What more could we ask for?

The ultimate goal for Em, is to get her to watch The Blair Witch Project, the one and only film she cannot get halfway through. This is a daunting challenge, but my comprehensive bank of psychological horrors, supernatural films and "real footage" films will be enough to guide her there.

I was proud of Em when I got a text informing me that she was watching Paranormal Activity 4 while JD was asleep. Granted this was in the morning and she defecated when he twitched, but this was still an achievement!

I love the psychological horror genre, but it seems to be a hard genre to find, considering the amount of slashers and gore fests we have nowadays. My top films are: Funny Games, Session 9 and Jacob's Ladder.

Any more suggestions on this would be welcome. I've watched all sorts, and now it's hard to get a fright or chill. Unless creepy children are involved. That's my downfall!

Anywho, this is all that is to be said while it is still light outside!

Sweet dreams. And remember, bumps in the night are not always the pipes cooling...

Monday 17 June 2013

Winter Is Coming...

So, after a long period of teaching and trying to improve, I have decided against the idea of education. Research lab technician here I come!

But this is news for another post. This post is dedicated to Em, my best friend who has just got addicted to Game of Thrones! I have tried so hard in the past to get her to:
A) Read the books
B) Watch the TV series.

Lo and behold, she has started on the TV series. After about a week, she has plowed her way through a season and half. Listening to her explanations of what is going on is something beautiful. B-E-A-utiful!

Gay Princes,  Red Women who spawn shadow creatures,  incest, deaths and an imp slapping a spoiled boy prince. What isn't there to love?!

It is a proud moment in my life that Em received the white raven, and that we now have something else to discuss when we play Candy Crush next to either while drinking flowering teas. We will get married one day, despite my lack of interest in the female anatomy.

So here we go, Jon is with Qorin about to scale the Fist of the First Men while Gendry and Arya are about to leave King's Landing.

It os strange seeing so many people alive...

Sunday 14 April 2013

Charity Night & Football 'Fans'

Good morning people!

Last night was an amazing night. My best friend's family were doing a charity collection for Weston Park Cancer Trust in memory of a family member. This is also something personal to me, so I went out and purchased the nights uniform: The Onesie. I am now a convert! I even slept in it :D

I believe a lot of money was raised last night, judging by the weight of the collection tins, so well done guys!!

Did I mention that this was a pub crawl around the village in onesies?

The end of the night was slightly ruined by the football fans. Seriously, you don't go to a pub and chant songs that blatantly are not English as loud as you can. They started fighting too. Football should be banned. A sport which requires police to be crawling all over an interchange and train station cannot possibly be socially acceptable! Incidentally, one of my friends had a beer can thrown at her head while on the bus home from work by a set of football hooligans. Since when has this become the 'norm'?

Wednesday 10 April 2013


First off, I would like to apologise for the terrible spelling mistakes in my last post. I gave myself a serious talking to considering I had passed my literacy QTS test that same day.

I feel like I should share who I am with you, my readers and fellow bloggers.

Name: James
Age: 21
Occupation: Post-Grad Student
Previous Degree: BSc (Hons) Chemistry
Bio: This is the tricky bit. I love my games,  especially RPG gaming on the 360. I am an ex-warcraft player. World of Warcraft: Kung-Fu Panda was the final straw. I love my books. One day, I hope to have a room big enough to fit all my books in. I mainly read fantasy/sci-fi and gothic novels. I'm currently reading The Historian, while making little progress on The Silmarillion.
I work hard when I'm not at home, so I rarely see my parents!
Last, but  especially not least. Eurovision. The single most amazing night of the year, every year. I'm somewhat an addict! Unfortunately for my housemates and house guests last year, I knew the words, dances and violin solos to all the entries. This is considered an achievement for I was cooking 6 pizzas and 12 side dishes at the same time!

I have recently inherited a load of books from a dear friend of mine, so I suspect there will be many book reviews as well as game reviews coming your way.