Tuesday 30 July 2013

Microsoft has claimed another...

Hello there people!

So, this blog is something special for two reasons:

1) I have a computer desk in my room now so I am not blogging from my phone
2) Em has an Xbox (shock horror!)

In regards to my daily life, I am still job hunting. I have applied for a job at the local University to work in the library while I find a sciency job. I missed science during my time on my PGCE. I didn't really use my degree. Most of the science I taught was practically a lie. LIES! Ah well, life goes on.

Now, we must discuss Em. She is a little gem, and the best thing in my life (sickening isn't it?). Well I woke up one morning to find a couple of texts and a missed call from her. She did seem pretty eager to talk to me. This only happens when she has murdered something, or something exciting is happening (I was hoping for the former). Turns out Em had bought herself an Xbox. Of all things that Em could have told me, this was not one of them! I was, and still am, astounded.

After the initial shock had settled, and a photo was sent to me as proof of this purchase, I just had to delve into the deepest recesses of my Xbox draw and draw out some games that Em would like, and are relatively easy to play. Fable 3 was an obvious choice. The Mass Effect Trilogy was also donated, as well as Skyrim (surprise, surpise!).

I met Em at the local shopping centre, and I took her accessory shopping: headset and rechargeable batteries with charging leads. We're not onto docking stations just yet, but it's all baby steps! This was one of my proudest moments with Em. Seeing her face in front of all the different games on offer to her in Blockbusters was beautiful. It was like an 18 year old entering Disney Land for the first time ever (no comment). I felt like a proud parent! When we finally got back to Em's, it turns out she was playing Tomb Raider. I did quite like the game from what I saw while I was there. Guess I can borrow the game now! Well, Em is rubbish at killing wolves with a bow. Here comes me to save the day! Not only did I take down two wolves in two smooth moves, the sensitivity levels and brightness levels were adjusted. Lo and behold we could actually see where we were!

However, Em had no idea what her first achievement and set of gamerpoints would feel like! So when she had raided her first tomb, and got 20G for it called Clever Cookie (beautiful), she giggled, jumped up and down on the bed and was so proud of herself. I believe I may have wept a little out of laughter and pride!

Even after I had got home, made a brew and settled down to play a bit of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we were still chatting using Em's new headset. It was a beautiful day.

I do hope you will read Em's blog, she is such a fantastic person!

Well, this is it for today. I expect to blog more often now I have a computer desk set up!

So long, for now.

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