Thursday 4 July 2013

Bitches Be Crazy..

Good evening people!

So, freedom has begun. No more worries about university or teaching. It is finally over!  *hooray*

I have filled the last week with copious amounts of tea, xbox and seeing friends. Job hunting is also up there on the list of activities. Universities and Technology Parks. Dream job? Sounds nice!

However, today is also a day of being proud of Em. We are, as one, conquering her fear of "scary" films. "Bitches be crazy!" I hear you yell. We are. The Possession is tonight's Mansion Movie. A film about the paranormal and demons. What more could we ask for?

The ultimate goal for Em, is to get her to watch The Blair Witch Project, the one and only film she cannot get halfway through. This is a daunting challenge, but my comprehensive bank of psychological horrors, supernatural films and "real footage" films will be enough to guide her there.

I was proud of Em when I got a text informing me that she was watching Paranormal Activity 4 while JD was asleep. Granted this was in the morning and she defecated when he twitched, but this was still an achievement!

I love the psychological horror genre, but it seems to be a hard genre to find, considering the amount of slashers and gore fests we have nowadays. My top films are: Funny Games, Session 9 and Jacob's Ladder.

Any more suggestions on this would be welcome. I've watched all sorts, and now it's hard to get a fright or chill. Unless creepy children are involved. That's my downfall!

Anywho, this is all that is to be said while it is still light outside!

Sweet dreams. And remember, bumps in the night are not always the pipes cooling...

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