Monday 17 June 2013

Winter Is Coming...

So, after a long period of teaching and trying to improve, I have decided against the idea of education. Research lab technician here I come!

But this is news for another post. This post is dedicated to Em, my best friend who has just got addicted to Game of Thrones! I have tried so hard in the past to get her to:
A) Read the books
B) Watch the TV series.

Lo and behold, she has started on the TV series. After about a week, she has plowed her way through a season and half. Listening to her explanations of what is going on is something beautiful. B-E-A-utiful!

Gay Princes,  Red Women who spawn shadow creatures,  incest, deaths and an imp slapping a spoiled boy prince. What isn't there to love?!

It is a proud moment in my life that Em received the white raven, and that we now have something else to discuss when we play Candy Crush next to either while drinking flowering teas. We will get married one day, despite my lack of interest in the female anatomy.

So here we go, Jon is with Qorin about to scale the Fist of the First Men while Gendry and Arya are about to leave King's Landing.

It os strange seeing so many people alive...

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